Bible study week: Seeking the Kingdom of God
Updated: Sep 5, 2023

I would like to greet you all. It's amazing when we get to study the word of God and find meaning in His word. Before I go any further, I just wanted to recap the topic we discussed last week about the gospel and how to share it. It is a broad topic but as we get to share the gospel with different people, God begins to empower us with His divine wisdom on how to deal with each unique situation in accordance to His will. It is by no means an easy task to share your faith with others, yet it should be considered a privilege to be able to participate in sharing the gospel rather than a burden.
This week, however, I have resolved to write on a topic about the priority that awaits us when we decide to follow Jesus. Now as I was saying earlier, I was reading through the gospel of Matthew Chapter 6 and the first few verses caution us about bragging in doing good deeds for others because at the end of it all it benefits us nothing. When I got to verse 19 of the same book (Matthew), I was reminded about the treasures in the Heavenly realm. Jesus warns us not to store up treasures on earth but rather in heaven where no damage or theft can happen to it. His statement if read carefully, is a word of advice encouraging us to rather focus on things of eternal value as opposed to the things that are here today and the next day they are non existant. Verse 21 caps it off stating that our hearts are where our treasures lie. If your heart is in seeking heavenly things with eternal value then that is where you will find your treasure also.
In verse 24, Jesus speaks of serving two masters simultaneously. According to him, it is impossible and one is restricted to a choice. In other words, it is either you are serving God or alternatively, the things of this world (mammon). Often times, we try to rationalise this passage and say that Jesus didn't mean that we can't enjoy the best the world has to offer and rather choose live a boring life. Well, Jesus makes the picture even more clear, by stating that we need not worry (or be in two minds) about what we will eat, wear or drink and it would be in out best interest to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and the rest shall be added upon you.
Ironically, when Jesus was teaching the disciples on how to pray, he reminded them to ask God for their daily provision not monthly or yearly provision but rather daily provision. There is an interesting anology that Jesus makes of the birds being able to survive from God’s provision and yet we as humans battle to come to grips with the fact that God is In control. Why is it so difficult to completely trust in God when the entire creation is able to submit to His authority?
I would like to say that I am not saying this because I am an expert on this topic, but somehow, I find no other way to live in the Kingdom of God without this principle. Well, Jesus was the Son of God and in his life we found that he was homeless, he had no material wealth that was attributed to him but while he was on earth he was able to feed multitudes as narrated in John 6. At one time, Jesús even confronted those who began to follow him on what they thought they could benefit from following him, by asking them to do some self inspection. I guese within the masses that followed him, there was an urgent need to control their circumstances such as hunger, oppression by the Romans and yet they like some of us today missed the heavenly principle that we are in the lifelong process of seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness.
Well, Jesus also took that opportunity to caution his disciples about taking offense in what he said but eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Jesus knew how they must have felt inside which prompted Peter to say, " Where shall we go master, since we have left ALL to follow you.". Now, I have been in the presence of many who have been said to have forsaken all to follow Christ. I believe that it was a difficult decision to come to but Jesus word cannot be rationalised or diluted to suite our needs. That is why taking up your cross and following Christ daily is difficult for most of us. But let us be aware that the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking as pointed out in Romans 14:17 to 20, but rather of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. It is interesting to note that it goes on to further say that those who serve Christ in those things are acceptable to God and approved by men.
I know that many will not agree with the discussion of such topics and would rather shy away and hide in a corner. But it is a heavenly principle which must be discussed amoungst the bretheren and must be understood. Even when King Solomon was asked by God about what he would like he chose understanding over wealth to which God was impressed.
Paul even writes that to have or not have I am content because he understood that it was not about possessions but rather to be in fellowship with Heavenly Father. That is why I believe the prodigal son had to come to his senses and return home after realizing being indépendant, far from the source was unsustainable..
So in conclusion, there are many of us who say we are challenged by the principle of living according to God's provision. We are concerned about leaving everything like Peter in Matthew 19 verse 27. Well, this is what God says to you today, as written in Matthew 19 verse 28 to 30. Well if you want to seat on the Judgment seat with Jesus and that's not all receive a hundred fold of what you claim to have lost (with persecution) but however, many who are first will be last and many that are last will be first. There is definitely a difference between what we claim to understand about the Kingdom of God and what is written in the Scriptures. Jesus does not sugarcoat what is expected of someone who is a heavenly citizen in God's kingdom. Rather, he draws a line between what is false misinterpretation and what is the true word of God. I hope that this message will be a blessing to you and will give you something to think about for the week. Let us keep seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and I believe the rest will be added upon us.
Until next time its goodbye