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Biblical Prayers: Remembering the Death & Resurrection of Christ

Greetings to all our readers across the world. Today, I was led to share a prayer which I usually pray when taking the holy communion or the Lord's supper solo as it is commonly called in most churches. A week ago, as I was reading through the gospels, I was reminded that Christ commanded us to " eat His body, and drink His blood" (John 6:51) in rememberance of Him (Luke 22).

Eating of bread symbolises, His body given unto us (Isaiah 53: 3-6) and drinking of wine represents, His blood that was shed for the redemption of our sins. When we do so, we are proclaiming His death to the world until He comes (1 Corinthians 11:26) entering a covernant with God to always remember the sacrifice Christ made on the cross (Matthew 26:26-30).

As powerful as this act of taking the Lord's supper is, we must always heed the warning Paul gave to the Corinthians, to properly discern the body and blood of Christ to avoid bring a judgement upon our heads (1 Corinthians 11:27-29). This is not a mere ritual by human standards. We must not eat to satisfy our fleshly hunger or to drink ourselves to drunkeness but we must understand the symbolism and the gravity of the act of taking the Lord's supper each time we partake of it.

Therefore, it is important to pray in accordance with the scriptures and with understanding. Dear reader, declare, the following prayer over your life as often as you take the Lord's supper in rememberance of Christ Jesus our Lord.

Prayer and Declaration:

Thank you precious Father for the gift of life. In Christ my Lord, I am a new creation. The old is gone and the new is here. You made him, who was without, sin so that for my sake, I would become the righteousness of God. As I, (add your name) eat the flesh of Yeshua and drink His blood I will have eternal life, and I too will be raised up at the day of resurrection.

His flesh is real food and His blood is real drink. As I eat His flesh and drink His blood, I remain in Him, and He remains in me. This cup that I drink from this day is in rememberance of the covernant of Yeshua's blood which is poured out to me. I take this bread, as a token of His body given unto me. As heaven and earth, bares witness, as I eat this bread and drink from the cup, I proclaim my Lord's death till He comes. Today I declare that I am God's field, God's building, His child and His servant  assigned to fulfill a Father's righteous will.

By the blood of Christ, His the death and resurrection of His body I have been washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Yeshua and by the Spirit of God in Yeshua'  mighty name, I declare and decree. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that you have lavished on us.

Let Christ be exalted in my body, whether in life or in death. In Him, I have been brought to fullness for He is the head of every power and authority. I declare and decree the word of God that says that in him I have been circumsised by a circumsision that is not performed by human hands. My whole self ruled by flesh was put off when I was circumsised by Christ Jesus.

Having canceled the charge of my legal indebtedness, which stood against me and condemned me; He has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Halleluyah. Thank you Lord, for the victory over death and sin.


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