Christian testimonies: Celebrating five years of being a disciple
Greetings to you all once more. It gives me great pleasure to travel through memory lane and reflect on my five year journey as a disciple. Before I can begin, i would like to make special mention to a brother in Christ who is celebrating his birthday on this day. Happy birthday Tian. In this article, I hope to share how life as a disciple has been since being born again.
The beginning
In 2019, on March 3, my life changed from being a nominal Christian to becoming a disciple. I had spent a lot if time reading the Bible and when i read the book of John, chapter 3, I began to réalise that if was to lose my life anytime from that day without being born again, I was destined for Hell.
I knew for a fact that something was missing and in as much as tried to fill that gap, I couldn't. I spent some time in prayer and God answered through people that were also on the same journey.
Now, when I was in my search for me to be baptised, God sent some disciples to share thier testimonies which would later lead me to be born again.
Never in my life would I see God as I had viewed Him before.
Living life as a disciple
Since being born again, my life has never been the same. Often times I am faced with the reality that I have been sent to a broken world to fulfill the Will of our Heavenly Father. But as the scripture states in John 3 verse 16, that we have been given eternal life if we truly believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.
I believe that if you are reading this article today and know someone who hasn't turned their life to Christ just as I was in the beginning before I got saved, my request is that you invite them.
At one point I was scared. Terrified to share the gospel, only choosing to be an undercover Christian. Then one day the Lord called me out and suddenly I fiund myself ministering to those very people who I had once been part of. How life can turn around.
The vision
I pray that if it His will, our community of disciples will grow. It is only the Spirit of God that draws a man to repentance. Let the gospel be preached in all corners of the earth so that no-one will say on the day of Judgement, "Where was the gospel being preached because I didn't hear it".
I say these things because life is like a vapor. One minute you have it the next minute its gone. Think seriously about eternity and make sure that you are prepared because we will all give an account one day.
If the Lord can use a simple person like myself, how much more can the Kingdom of God achieve if we all played our part in being obedient to His word.
In my journey as a disciple, God allowed me to meet so many people who became my Heavenly family. In that regard, I think that while we are here on earth we can still fulfill the promise that God has for us by being like Jesus Christ.
It is never an easy road this straight and narrow path. But when you find it, stay on it because that is the one leading you to eternity.
Until next time, keep making disciples.