Bible study week: Sharing Jesus part 2

Greetings to all my readers once again. This has been yet another wonderful week of basking in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ĺike last week I have also added a short video to give some context to what we are discussing this week. Before I started a recap of last week's topic. We discussed the Great Commission found in Matthew 20 verses 18 to 20. We also looked at the origins of the church and what our responsibilities are as disciples. This week we would like to start of with talking about prayer.
Why we should pray before all else?
The Gospels record several instances where Jesus prayed. These prayers highlight different aspects of His relationship with God the Father and His mission on earth. Here are some key instances:
1. **Jesus Prayed at His Baptism (Luke 3:21-22)**:
- After being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus prayed, and the heavens opened, with the Holy Spirit descending on Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice from heaven declared, "You are my Son, whom I love; with you, I am well pleased."
2. **Jesus Prayed Early in the Morning (Mark 1:35)**:
- Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray, especially early in the morning. In Mark 1:35, He rises early in the morning, goes to a solitary place, and prays.
3. **Jesus Prayed Before Choosing the Twelve Disciples (Luke 6:12-13)**:
- Before selecting the twelve apostles, Jesus spent the entire night in prayer to God. Afterward, He called His disciples and chose twelve of them as apostles.
4. **Jesus Prayed Before Feeding the 5,000 (John 6:11)**:
- Before miraculously feeding the multitude with five loaves and two fish, Jesus gave thanks and prayed, then distributed the food to the people.
The above are just examples of when Jesus prayed. However, Jesus suggests that if our prayers are to be effective they must first be conducted in a secret place where one is with the Heavenly Father. Secondly, it must be done in faith using the template that he provided in what is called the Lord's prayer.
Why pray for the unsaved ?
Jesus commands us to make disciples in Judea, Samaria and the outer parts of the earth. As a matter of principle, we as believers need to pray for our immediate circle, our unsaved neighbors as well as people far from us. That way God begins to prepare us for our assignment by convicting the us on where we are weak and strengthening us in order to carry out His divine plan.
Task for the week
Write down three names of people you would like to see saved.
Place them at the front of your Bible as a reminder to pray for them.
Allow God to lead you into what he needs to prepare in you so that this person can be saved.
Key principle
As a disciple is key to spend time in prayer, just as you would in Bible study.
My thanks go out to those who commented on last weeks blog post. I pray that as we grow as disciples we attempt to follow Jesus in his teachings. LET US PRAY FOR ALL THE BRETHEREN WHO HAVE SENT THE GOSPEL TO THE ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD.
until next time let us keep making disciples.