Christian Testimony: The journey to Lambert's bay
Updated: Aug 10, 2023
Greetings to you all once again in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This is probably one of the most difficult, yet at the same time exciting time to be following Jesus. I can't express the joy I have to share with you the good work the Lord has been doing to strengthen our faith. My pilgrims journey has led me here in Lambert's bay. I am happy to say that being a stone’s throw away from the beach is such a blessing and probably the ideal time to do some self inspection.
The last time, I mentioned anything about my whereabouts, I was somewhere in Sutherland spending some time with the community there. Well, the last few days of my stay were memorable as we saw the baptism of one of Andre's workmates, John, on the Friday just before our departure the following day. Later that evening we said goodbye to Auntie Elsa and Uncle Koos over a delicious meal they had prepared for us. I must admit that the one thing I will definitely miss is the best of Sutherland cuisine.
The following day, we had to say goodbye to our newfound family in Christ who braved the cold to bid us farewell at our point of departure. The journey in itself was quite long although we arrived during daytime. Having been used to living in a house we each had to make a mental note that we had made our return to the outdoor world. The night time is usually marked by the sounds of thunderous waves, something to look forward to after watching the sunset. The whales can be seen from a distant jumping in the air, not forgetting the seagulls that make frequent flights past our home in search of food. The beach is not far off either and it is exciting to see what the Lord has for us here.
Today, I took time to read into a two scriptures from the book of Jeremiah. Indeed I find the text in the first two chapters to be a description of how God prepares us to proclaim His word to the nations as He has commanded. In chapter one, verse 11, the Lord asks Jeremiah on what he sees of which he sees first the branch of an almond tree then a boiling pot. Now the Lord cautions Jeremiah in the next verse that He, the Lord will stand guard of His word, watching to see if His word is fulfilled. I suppose that judgement awaits those who stay in disobedience. My study of the scriptures also led me to the book of Revelation chapter two, where the church of Ephesus is warned against complacency. This is presented by two scenarios, one being that the lampstand will be taken away if repentance is ignored and the second scenario being that those who are victorious will receive their reward to eat from the tree of life as it was in the beginning of Genesis.
It is at this point, that I feel the urgent need to remind my fellow brothers and sisters that the Lord is with us regardless of our trials or tribulations. Jeremiah was probably reluctant to go and speak to a disobedient nation of Israel yet he did against all odds. It is my prayer that as we travel in this journey called life, we learn to rejoice in our trials and seek out His will for our lives.
I pray that this article is a blessing to someone.