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How do you pray for Strength and Courage?

Twelve mid-night is the time that I have set aside to talk to God every single day. This is always the best time for me to pray because everything is quiet and still at this hour. At eleven in the evening, the previous day, as I was sitting on my bed, I thought about what I would say to my Heavenly Father as I scrolled through my Instagram page absent mindedly. Then I saw, a TBN video interview clip were Jim Caviezel, who acted the role of Jesus, in the most renowned Christian movie of all time called, "The Passion of Christ" said the following words: "Evil is powerless, if the good are unafraid." We live in a fast changing world were evil is thriving and the lines between what is good and evil have become blurred. How do we survive, the hurricane storm engulfing us? How do we pray for strength and courage in these unique unprecedented times? We can only survive by asking our loving Father in Heaven for courage and strength. As we put on the full armor of God, we can stand with God and for God's truth in troubled times.

To help guide you to an answer to the question, "how do you pray for strength and courage?" in these troubled times, I have attached a sample prayer below.

Read Romans 8, Isaiah 41:10, Proverbs 18:12 to get a scriptural based understanding.

Sample Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we live today in a world where evil is promoted over good, were the lines between good and evil have been blurred. Your truth is clearly defined by your word which contains your commandments, ordinances and statutes. Your laws have been engraved in my heart by your Spirit, for you have said that your sheep know your voice, and the voice of another they will not follow. I am not of this world, so I refuse to follow the voices of the world. For I know that I am a citizen of your kingdom, a pilgrim awaiting the second coming of your beloved son, my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Whilst I am still in this world I pray that you may uphold me with your righteous right hand.

You word says in Proverbs 18:12 that your name is a fortified tower which the righteous can run to and find safety. I am qualified to run to you for safety by your Spirit that dwells in me. For Romans 8 says that anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to you. My body is dead in sin but I live by the Spirit of Christ in me. I pray that your Spirit will strengthen and guide me in all my ways. I did not receive a Spirit of slavery from you Holy Father, to fall back into fear, but I received a Spirit of adoption, by whom I call you, "Abba, Father". Your Spirit bears witness in my heart that I am indeed your child. As an heir, I follow the example of my Lord Jesus Christ, your Son and in this world I suffer with Him so that I can be glorified with you.

Teach me Father to bear the sufferings that come with this calling with grace. Knowing that the sufferings that I will endure in this life are not compared to the glory that you have revealed to me through your word. I acknowledge that for those that love you, all things work for the good. Even when the good is not apparent to me. My short sightedness and humanity does not change the fact that your word never fails. Your word is as constant and unchanging as your character. You are the same, from everlasting to everlasting. You, Holy Father, have called me, justified me and glorified me. You have equipped me with everything I need to overcome in this world. I am forever grateful for your faithfulness. As I remain steadfast in my mind, praying for courage ,placing my hope and trust in you, I ask for your perfect peace that surpasses my understanding. So that your name will be glorified in me at the end of it all. Thank you Father for the answered prayer.

In Jesus's mighty name I pray.


A kneeling woman praying for courage and strength


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