Prayer of blessing for newly weds.
Updated: Oct 4, 2023
Growing up, as a little girl, I was fascinated by the wedding dressings, the wedding processions and the exchange of vows during wedding ceremonies. It was only in my adult life that I began to understand the institution of marriage from God's perspective and the spiritual battles that surround it. Although, the world today, ignores God's view on the subject matter, it is the Almighty, Himself who first introduced man to marriage after seeing that man represented by Adam at the time was alone and needed a companion. It baffles me to think that while Adam, spent time with the animals and God often visited him in the garden of Eden, he was still alone in God's eyes. This means that there is something of value that this particular union, or companionship offers which can not be provided by any other relationship that we can have on this earth.
The devil, God's opposition understands the covenant of marriage, how it represents the relationship between Christ and the Church and the blessings that it can bring more than we do. He has successfully launched endless attacks on marriages across the world using the wisdom of this age as a cover. In our generation, the attack on marriage has been so severe that we have less children being born, higher divorce rates and more unmarried adults than ever before in the history of mankind. So, when I recently heard that one of my friends was getting married, I was so excited for her. Knowing her story personally, I understood how God had helped her overcome rejection, trauma and other various weapons of emotional destabilization that the enemy had used against her from childhood. Nonetheless, by God's faithfulness, unwavering love and power of restoration, she has overcome.
Reflecting upon all the above, I have taken it upon myself today to share a heartwarming prayer of blessing for the newlyweds, invoking love, joy, and prosperity as they embark on their journey together. It is my hope dear reader that through prayer we can seek divine guidance and protection for any newly married couples that we may know of, as they build a life filled with happiness and unity.
Read Proverbs 18:22, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, John 14:27, Ephesians 5:25, Proverbs 31:10 and Ecclesiastics 4:12 for scriptural understanding.
Dearest Father, today, I would like to pray over my friends marriage. I pray that this marriage will be in honor among all and that it will never be defiled because you, holy, Father despises and frowns upon sexual immorality and adulterousness as they are a sin against our bodies, the temple where your Spirit resides.
May her husband continue to find favor with you for your word says that, "he who finds a wife, finds a good thing". May the love that they share for one another blossom with patience and kindness. May their love be never destroyed by envy, boastfulness, arrogance, rudeness, resentfulness or irritability. Let it be a kind of love that rejoices in truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.
As they embark on this new life journey together with you, may you give them a peace that surpasses all understanding, the kind of peace that the world does not give. I pray that her husband will love her in an understanding way, showing her honor so that his prayers may never be hindered. May his love towards her be a true representation of the love of Christ to the church which He gave his life for.
As for my friend, I pray that she will live her life like a true Proverbs 31 woman, that she will be prudent in all things, submitting herself to her husband and giving him all the respect that is due to him. For as your word says, " An excellent wife is worth more than jewels". What you have joined together this day, Father, let no man separate.
Above all things, I pray that you will always be the center of this marriage. For two can withstand an enemy but a threefold cord can not be easily broken. May the fruit of their marriage, their children and their children's children be blessed in Jesus mighty name.
