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Prayer of the Faithful: Trusting God in a wilderness season.

Life has ups and downs, hills and valleys. However the bible in Jeremiah 17:7 reminds us that, "Blessed are those that put their faith in God whose confidence is in him". The Psalmist also goes on to say that, " The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all that He does" in Psalm 145. In the days that the Israelites wondered in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights, God covered them by a hovering cloud during the day, at night He showed them the way to go by a pillar of fire that went ahead of them. When they were thirsty He caused water to flow from a rock like water flowing in a dry desert. In times of hunger, He gave them food from heaven above. This is an example of how God's faithfulness endures forever in spite of our own unfaithfulness and lack of trust. When I think of this example, I see God's heart and I can relate this to my own life story. There have been wilderness seasons in my life but God got me through them all. I have learnt to praise Him, even when I cannot see the end of the tunnel. I have learnt to rest and give up control even when I am weary and uncertain about the future. So today, I will share a prayer of the faithful, acknowledging God's unending faithfulness and divine provisions during our wilderness seasons.


Praise be to you Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your faithfulness knows no bounds. You are trustworthy in all your promises and faithful in all that you do. You lift up heads of all who are bowed down. When our eyes look unto you in hopelessness, you give us food at the appropriate time. I will sit in your house and wait upon you. For a day in your courts is better than a thousand years anywhere else. I would rather be a gatekeeper in your house than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.

You have shown us your unfailing love through your Son, Jesus Christ who is our salvation. Through Him, we know your heart and your ways. May all the nations exalt your name and sing praises to you. For there is no other god worthy of your praise. You have kept those who are faithful to you from generation to generation. You have guided them with a cloud by day and light by night.

In your mercy, you forgave our iniquities, even as we were unfaithful and disloyal to you. You restrained your anger and remembered that we are nothing but dust. We came from dust and to dust we will return. You have kept every promise that you made to our forefathers, that when we humble ourselves, and call upon your name, you will hear us from heaven and heal our lands. Indeed, your mercies anew every single morning. May we be planted in you and may we flourish like well watered gardens as we live out the plans as well as the purposes that you set before us before the foundation of the earth. The earth which you yourself by your might have set on its foundations such that it cannot be moved. Thank you Father, for the gift of life.

In Jesus mighty name, I pray.


singing praises to God


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