Praying for the extension of kingdom of the heaven on earth.
Have you ever prayed a prayer asking God to extend His reign in your life situation, in your community, in your family and your country? Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ taught us to pray, for God's kingdom to come, for His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven in Matthew 6:10. Our Heavenly Father is not a tyrant, He will not impose His will on us but we are assured of peace and happiness, when we ask Him to be the Lord and King of our lives. Pray with me, today as we ask for the establishment of His Kingdom in heaven and on earth from everlasting to everlasting.
Read Matthew 6:10, Daniel 12:44, 1 Timothy 4:10, Revelations 21:4, Ephesians 1:10, 1 Corinthians 15:25-26 and Psalm 72:8 for scriptural understanding.
Dearest Father, King of Heavens, I call upon you today to ask you to govern all the issues of my life. I surrender my life, my family, my community and country into you loving hands. I pray, this day, as both heaven and earth bears witness that your kingdom may come, that your will will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Your reign Father is eternal and shall never be destroyed. May it break into pieces all the other kingdoms that oppose your good, pleasing and perfect will. May your divine kingdom put to end the kingdoms of this earth that have bound and subdued us. Let your Kingdom, stand forever.
We toil and strive on this earth, because all our hope and trust has been set on you. You are the savior of all people, especially those that believe that your beloved son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ was sent by you to reconcile us with you. As your kingdom is established, may you wipe away every tear from our eyes, may death come no more, let mourning and pain be the things of the past. For these former things have passed away. Our captivity in the mind, heart and soul has passed away.
Daniel 7:27 says that your kingdom is everlasting, all dominions bow down and serve you. It is your plan in the fullness of time, that all things will unite in you, things in the heaven and things on this earth. May your plan, Mighty King be established, in Jesus name. May your reign continue until you have put all things under your feet. This earth is indeed your footstool. My eyes are yet to see, my ears are yet to hear and my heart may never imagine the things that you have prepared for those that love you. I am grateful Father, that you called me into your eternal kingdom, for giving me this opportunity to be re-born and adopted into your family as heir, co-heir with Christ.
May your name be exalted. May your dominion extend from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth.
In Jesus, mighty name I pray.
