Thanksgiving prayer: Thanking God for your deliverance.
Updated: Jul 27, 2023
We all have been through situations in life that you look back upon and you have no clue, how you got out of the dungeon. When people ask me, who God is to me. I tend to tell them that He is literally my life. I was called by God when I was running away from an identity crisis, from my country, from heartbreak, from rejection, depression, anxiety and low-self esteem. I still have some of the problems that I had when God called me in 2019. Not all problems that made me feel awful went away, but God changed how I react to things by the renewal of my mind through His word. Reading the eternal promises in His word continues to transform how I perceive the issues of life, myself and Him every single day. His Spirit of Truth bears witness in me and now I know that I know with certainty that I am His child. Most of all, He has replaced all my anxieties and worries with a peace that surpasses my understanding. Through my life experience I can testify the meaning of John 14:27, which says: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give you as the world gives....." Today, I am delivered from the spirit of depression, in Jesus mighty name.
I would like to share a prayer thanking our loving Father for delivering me from depression and for standing with me through the darkest seasons of my life. You too, can apply this thanksgiving prayer to your own life situation.
Read Psalms 23, Psalm 7, Psalm 100, Psalm 103, Psalm 34:18, Songs of Solomon 16:12, Isaiah 33:2 and Philippians 4:19 for scriptural understanding.
Dearest, loving Father, thank you for being my shield and for being my city of refuge. Lord, I thank you today and give all the praise to you because of your faithfulness. Your mercy endures forever. In times of difficulties you have given me strength and courage. Even as I walked through the valley of shadow of death, you were with me. Your rod and staff comforted me. I give thanks to you King of heavens with all my heart, for all the great things you have done for me. Help me, Father to share your wonderful deeds with everyone around me.
Today, I worship you with gladness, knowing that you are my Father, the Most High God. You created me, I am yours, I am your daughter and a sheep in your pasture. As I enter your gates with thanksgiving and your courts with praise, I will continue to declare your love, your mercy and your compassion. You redeemed my hopeless life from the pit and crowned me with love and compassion. You stood close to me when I was broken hearted and you saved me when my spirit was crushed. There was no herb or ointment on earth that could heal my scars, but your word alone, Holy Father healed me from everything. Your eternal promises gave me life.
You have become my strength every morning and my salvation in times of distress. You have met all my needs according to the riches of your glory in my Lord and Master Christ Jesus. May your holy name be exalted and glorified in all the earth. Only you deserves the praise and the honor, God Almighty.
In Jesus' name I pray.
